2021 Awards Nominations Form

Valiant Woman:  Nomination Deadline March 29, 2021

  • A Valiant Woman has through the years given of her personal time and resources for the ongoing mission of Church Women United.
  • A Valiant Woman of today is on a conscious journey toward wholeness, knowing that the journey is commanded and guided by God, taking into full account the potential joys, risks and pain of such a journey. She persists along the journey in face of criticism, ridicule, danger, and threat because she knows she is about God’s work, enabled by God’s spirit, supported by God’s people.
  • A valiant woman attends the Church Women United meetings, celebrations, and assemblies, where she receives new directions, inspiration, and fellowship with people from around the world.


Young Church Women United: Nomination Deadline March 29, 2021

Young women in your church/community who demonstrate their love for Christ through their service, ministry, and leadership can be nominated for this award.


Key Women: Nomination Deadline March 29, 2021

Church Women United depends on a woman from each affiliating church to serve as a link between her women’s association and Church Women United. The name for this linkage implies the association is the key to bringing together the church and CWU unit. Each key woman will be recognized and honored at the May Friendship Celebration. Please notify Awards Committee of the Key Woman for your church.


These awards will be presented at May Friendship Celebration.


Human Rights:  Nomination Deadline May 1, 2021

The Human Rights Award is an award that recognizes individuals who have been working in the field of human rights in our community. We would welcome your help in nominating an individual to be considered for this award. It does not have to be someone who has been in the public eye, but a person who has consistently demonstrated a high regard for the dignity of others. It could be a person who has taught Sunday School for thirty years and treated every student with dignity regardless of race, ability, or economic status. It can be a leader in the community who has advocated for health and economic justice. It could be a teenager who works for the Special Olympics. Obviously, the list is endless.


This award will be presented at Human Rights Celebration


2021 CWU Award Nominations Form